Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Black And Blasted Treaures, Kingdom Not Of This World

      -President Trump making this move, with first lady Ivana Trump praying to God in public. Well, am I receiving the answer to my prayer, that all  leaders like a King Nebuchadnezzar.
      -That's awake from all this madness and remember from whence they've fallen, God's Glory, return (Christ's Cross), and Repent? (Jesus' Blood), Awake, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

-And I Heard In My Hearing, "yours is a nuclear Fate," 2016, meaning the fate of an unrepentant, days without numbers western civilization, Apb
Seen to be seeing the word treasures, all black and blasted, I keep telling you, as did Apostle Paul ancients ago, God is not mocked, not matter it's outward cloak, men only reap the blood guiltiness that they sow, Apb
Trumps, Mountains, Bunkers All, Fall On Us, Hide Us, God's Wrath Is Come

     -Raise your hand already, if you didn't know this, it's why a Hussein Whitehouse was predicted 2003, even why Bush war on the axis of evil was at this same time deemed one error/era into a New Fear Factor. Evenly why June 2015, while Hussein Obama's, deemed "The One," July 2008, two weeks and seven years timetable was ending, it was then forewarn and I quote Holy Spirits, "it's all about Cameron." Meaning a design fall is predestine, see Prime Minister Cameron, see Brexit to Truexit, a partial fulfillment of Dan. 2, the crushing of the ten toes, the fall by the stone from heaven, (Christ Millennium), of everything rebellious man. 
     -This mean every time we cry a greater America, we're crying better, greater holocaust into apparent genocide, either way much blood, there's, ours will flow, can't have a Trump America, A Trump Whitehouse, nor A Trump Wall without as usual bloody remissions, explaining the fury rising into God's face at Pence, see Eze. 38:18. Beware of what you ask for, the appointed 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour, 2003, while military families members are being tortured and slaughtered by a dirty Mede, (see is being both revisited and revised, only along US soil, are your temporal treasures (America's), truly worth it? The emphasis being on, temporal treasures, Beware, Apb, see more here,  
....lay not up for thyselves treasures (America's), upon the earth, where moth and rust doeth corrupt, and where thieves (religious, political and social/domestic leaders), break through and steal, lay up for thyselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust can't corrupt, where thieves can't break through and steal, for where a man treasures are, there is also his heart, ...Jesus

Saturday, February 18, 2017

This Mean War! Prepare For War! War Is Come!

Seen to be seeing clouds darken by a sea of black birds on the map 03/17/2005

There's something about a crippling, jaw dropping realization concerning an enormous loss life on the map 03/07/2003
    There's something about 50 million being dead on the map 07/09/2002 (a voice crying 50 million will die 02/17/2017)


Martial Law?

As elite branches of the US military prepare to hold military training in seven southwest states, with some troops operating incognito among civilians, some Americans fear the training is actually preparation for imposing martial law. Articles...

And I Heard In My Hearing,This Is The Anti-christ Murderer,

     -I am reminded of seeing Michael Clark Duncan singing opera in a vast wilderness of what was left of Westernized Civilization.  If you don't remember this talented actor, he was feature in the Movie Armageddon, as one of the oil drillers sent to destroy a monster asteroid curiously like Planet X, tearing toward the earth, the end of everything rebellious men.
     -Sincerely then, and why you should take forewarnings here more serious. Here as recently as February 2015, this month its second anniversary, I was shown the Righteous Bride now reigning in heaven. The one John witnessed with the Holy Spirit, summoning as He, all bidden to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Though now in her possession, into releasing the stone made without hands, having the surface of a Meteor.
     -As so the additional experience of standing my kitchen, serving two of my grands, when Holy Spirits began more quizzing than questioning me. Whether my children, or I their mother realized our children, grands would grow up in occupied territory, in an occupied America? These are all horrid to glorious events to make their finale this 2017,  beware, repent, God won't, even can't turn from this, get ye and yours to Jesus.

     Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and seventy-four 02/18/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Prophecy Link

Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary

    -Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb
   -Hark a voice, "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an E.L.E. US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming.     -We can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, (Popes, Presidents, Politicians, pastors, preachers, projects and again parents. All influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents, (overseers), "IN THE LORD)."

For The Great Day Of His Wrath Is Come, And Who Shall Be Able To Stand?

     -That would be westernized civilization is finished, and Trump it's Truexit, even this falling out among thieves, pots and kettles, get Jesus and get out while you still can. Agreeably, God is this angry, hundreds of millions in mortal danger, even a death toll in the sum of 50 million possibly US soil alone. Trump building a better Whitehouse at this time, is no different than the early disciples being impressed at the religious to political leaders building a greater Jerusalem Temple. Soon with Jesus forewarning them not to be deceived, a day is come, US soil, there will not be one stone left upon another, see Dan. 2, then Jesus' Millennium Reign, beware.
       -Clearly the beast tearing through the pulpits into vacating the pews, that is mostly sexual abnormality, the magnanimous of abominations going uncheck there. Purposefully is to separate the wheat from the tares, you're to know when this has happened to yours, when no longer is the norm. As so when meetings are scarce, limited and shortly about three primary things, prayer; God is, praise; God is worthy, and prophecy; God is come again, forever.
     -The call to finish schools, and to kill all parents by a certain date, mean God will no longer tolerate the recreation of perverts. Those freely perverting into transgender identity for generations to come, mutilating the Genesis/Godman, such is this beast tearing along all that's mass assembly. All that's forgetting God days without number, so it's to target the LGBTQ and P for Pedophiles movement, extremely prevalent where children frequent; so again is come extremely, deadly, damning judgement in regards to primarily sexual abnormalities.
     -Just this unthinkable day of reckoning which could all the more explain why a grim reaper, even targeted them while they were stampeding for life and living. Mostly imagine the cataclysm period that's to cause Americans to now escape, with God's wrath furious at their procrastination so unrelenting of these evils. This assigned by Him mighty slayer is seeing to their horrid deaths even into their urgency to flight, and if you think this is cruel, then you haven't learn the wrath/Love of an Almighty, Righteous God toward His Will, His earth and His anointed... "I shall send them strong delusions" cried the God of Heaven and Earth...
     -Still, the command to Kill all parents, talk about stepping up inconceivable desolations, unbearable, apparently it's portraying the seriousness, as of the days of Noah, and all mankind was threaten, not just with death, but as pale horse rides again most dying are damned. It's even Jesus when describing the days, times, and horrors of the end, who plainly told us to run, to flee, from apparent abominations frequenting, owning and possessing the people of the Church, the  Temple.
     As so those of Mosque worship., all that's under attack right now of the beast, seeing them to their knees or to their second death, hell. God will not be mocked by religion, only a semblance of worshiping Him, into denying the renewing spirit, living word, (Christ Jesus) and anointing thereof. It's Jesus relating to temple leaders how they worship God with their mouth, but by the evil works of their hearts, Satan is instead their father, beware, remember from whence thou art fallen, return, repent! The only name given under heaven for this, is Jesus! See John 14:6, I John 3rd Chapter

This Mean Armageddon, Prepare For War, War Is Come!

     -I believe the forewarning 2015, just as Obama's two weeks and seven years time table 2008, expired right into further the warning it's all about Cameron, indeed see P. M. Cameron, 2015 into world events recently. All the more that we were being forewarn about the beginning of the end of the surreal image, only that really startling King Nebuchadnezzar's all the more, see Dan. 2, was the stone cut out without hands I witness 2015, come out of prediction even as the Bride, by this time, reigned in heaven.
     -Just as so like this now bedazzled by this reveal King of Babylon, seeing, that said Specialty Stone crushed everything rebellious men, including Him, now mystery Babylon/America. I again, 2015, witness, that as it, this Specialty Stone was being released, I heard it said, well described, how it was the Antichrist murderer. Equally meaning the end of all rebellion, and the beginning of the sounding of the seventh angel, and the greatest of celebrations in heaven, reassured of the Angel Gabriel 2004.
     -The end, an end. like that of which Ezekiel was forewarning of the people of his day, right into today's final Armageddon. Just as so. that the prophet Jeremiah witness happen, lamenting, sitting afar off safe, into which John witness, these things which shall be hereafter, all the more these cataclysms one after another, again being made active right this moment. It's the making of a wasteland, US soil, that's to affect hundreds of millions here, and the world afar, whereas man being further forewarn is pictured as a Michael Clark Duncan, now deceased (see the Movie Armageddon); singing Armageddon in the midst of great assembly, made a wilderness of unbelief, unrelenting, now to the wind at tossed, whose fan is in Jesus' hand, all the more, see Christ's Cross.


Friday, February 17, 2017


Article, Article, Surely This Is Not Repentance, Only That To Anger God All The More, Even If That's Possible! Fix It Here, see   

     And I Heard In My Hearing, "I Will Finish All Schools," 2016, as all mass assembly, seen as pedophile rings to transgender traps for children, God is not mocked! Apb  see more here,, 

Trump, Pence, Alex Jones, Whitehouse, Pentagon, Stock Market Fall On Us Hide Us!

     -What does it profit if you seeming and I mean only apparently and that by a curse of strong delusions make the world your own only to die and face judgment and hell? It's true suicide is a similar fate, thou shall not kill, remember? All life belong to Elohim. Which is why only the truth make us truly free, why the Sunlight of God, 2016, speaking from behind a great mountain, lamented one thing, and I quote HIM, "let my people go!" (see Rev. 17 for more). Only standing up for it's blessed revelations; I know, it's a very responsible task, which is why Jesus said suffer, like endure persecution, it's trials and tribulations, even death, (See Stephen, Acts 7:55), but bring the children to me, to unendingly, the blessed truth. Sexual abnormalities, marriage is sin, sin is death, death is hell, so the truth is painful but no less glorious, give all honor to Jesus Christ's Cross.
     -Right now, this end time Apostle of Jesus believe the call or command recently, "to kill all parents by," is to target all overseers supporting, pushing and legalizing especially upon child, meaning the next generation is already fixed, dead. Again, encouraging upon the most vulnerable, what to God are abominations, even more so regarding sexual abnormalities. Sexual abnormalities, ( see the supposedly LGBTQ and P for pedophile movement, see all fornication, see all evil making God, Genesis a lie), is the one sin that's to desecrate the body. The body that's to be surrendered holy and acceptable to God, for God is a spirit and those worshipping Him can only worship Him in spirit and truth, with Jesus alone this single blood reconciliation, the way, truth and the life, Immortal, crying aloud, ye must be born again.
    -I know, I been trying these thirty years to get people attention regarding sin, even the approval religiously, politically and socially of what to God is the practice of great evils, even Satan's seat ruling in he midst of all in assembly, again see Rev. 17:1, what deluded men, Satan's children, actually worship. So much so, there isn't only a call for all parents to die, see the ELE pending US soil, Oct. 2017, as so was it forewarn that all schools. Seemingly to God, these transgender traps for children would end; even why he place a voracious beast even in their pulpits. Said warning went like this, "and I will end all schools, " just this outbreak of mortuary I know, with those by Trump's Whitehouse crying peace and safety. Into a greater America, instead forewarn, and I quote, "yours is a nuclear fate," see nuclear plants Japan and California, see very near future, nuclear wars into the final, Armageddon..
     -For when they shall say peace and safety, and sudden destruction's cometh upon them, continuously into the end of western civilization, the greatest threat since Noah's earth to the Genesis human being. Unmistakenly, by which John testifies of hearing the cry, "come out of her my people, (Mystery Babylon, America), that you be not partakers of her sins, that you receive not of her plagues (legalized abominations). For her sins have reached unto God, and God hath remembers her iniquities; paused here momentarily and consider. Though God's people America has forgotten Him days without numbers, (the coming out of the earth super volcano of a death rider 1996, is to target them). He, God remembers them clearly by their sins, and is as I write and you read judging them accordingly, great to greater desolations US soil, in 2017, let no man deceive you, get Jesus, like Noah's Ark the only escape, and get out, Awake! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

There's something building, as something curious about downtown areas, beware!

Article... Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year," he said. "And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10 to 15 years."
The most recent pandemic was even more deadly than that, Gates pointed out. A flu outbreak -- that occurred naturally -- killed between 50 million and 100 million people in 1918. Articles

Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary

   -This assumption by Bill Gates, even dangerous calculation cut so close to prophecies and timtabes both given to and from this ministry. This too is frightfully curious, is Bill Gates and other supposedly elites finally listening to bible prophecy?

     -After the Intrepid Dream Timetable was finished, I saw two particular Judgements mentioned here this article. The first Judgement noted, plainly after a great cataclysm caused the immediate lost of 190 years,      
     -A sure lost of which would set the country back to the year 1918 to 1811, as mentioned here, as the worse of America, this nation earthquake, this world's pandemics. The the next Judgement was in the form of a towering, infested with fleas pale horse. As well meaning pandemic, meaning a lost of millions of lives and souls seeing hell rode with him.
     -Just as I know there are grimreapers poised US soil, God's orders, just last night as I dozed into a sleep. Truly, frightening, I heard it mentioned how "50 million will die," only I believe, this is US soil alone, so we're talking hundreds of millions Western Civilization the world over.
     -As I said before I don't believe in coincidences, that the greatest of Gates concerns, to forewarnings would arrive the dawn of the Intrepid Dream Timetable. As I said, I'd been warning about this outbreak of mortuary that is come, ending Churches, schools, evil religious to political overseers.
      -Here presently, even this divine census taking, the call for all parents to be killed. Definitely, it's as the days of Noah and beyond, with Jesus our single salvational ark, get Him, Escape! If ever a time this man, Bill Gates has been right, it's now, beware, incalcable death tolls are mounting, The, Awakening, Apb, The RAM, see also,

     Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and seventy-six 02/20/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/2016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25/2016, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Prophecy Link

Just This Outbreak Of Mortuary

    -Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, Apb
   -Hark a voice, "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an E.L.E. US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming.     -We can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, (Popes, Presidents, Politicians, pastors, preachers, projects and again parents. All influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents, (overseers), "IN THE LORD)."

For The Great Day Of His Wrath Is Come, And Who Shall Be Able To Stand?

     -Raise your hands if you're one who, well, while they were brawling, marching and citing riots over transgender restrooms, the school's, the workplace and public facilities. Instead, that you were one wondering just what did God think about the transgender to come binary human being?
     ,-This ruin of Satan's seat being the very opposite of the Genesis intention, it being the very evil Elohim sacrificed His only begotten son, Jesus Christ only,  to prevent. You can still hear the angel Gabriel explaining to a soon come mother Mary, how this seed of Holy Spirit name shall be called Jesus, for he shall save His People from their sins.
     -Then we're back at the issue regarding the rainbow covenant, please see Southern Cali here Clearly, the promised sealed by Him, through the rainbow covenant was about the destruction of the world.
     -That never again by flood waters, would startling this happen. This covenant didn't include individual nations, States, cities nor counties.
Neither did this promise state the world wouldn't again see such the destruction, only not entirely by water.
    -To be honest, Apostle Peter witnessed a cataclysmic event in likeness to a super nova, an eploding star, happen. Inconceivably this horror with some Bible Scholars believing the earth will be vacated of both the living and the dead by then, all gone into the great white throne Judgement, almost as regretted as the punishment by hell's fire, itself. Beware, Apb, see here,

Let Ascension (faith in Jesus), Be Your Healing

     -By this time Anna Beam, behind the Miracles from heaven story, ( most tried knew her healing was in Jesus and ascension, her roommate healing came by ascension. Though hers, even all lives she touches, by a renewed faith, trust in God. Suffering from an element all these years a time like Anna came and came again.
     -Even here really recent, again I pled for ascension, (to die, to rest), as a form of divine healing, even Paul said, to be separate from this flesh is to be present with Christ. Those saving their lives this tortured, (fearful, agonized) shall suffer sickbeds all the more. Though, those, like this baby surrendering all to trust in God, Jesus', shall reign blessed all their living long days.
     -Remember, by Jesus' stripes you've been healed these thousands of years, God says His Grace is sufficient therein. Stop being tortured, (fearful), stop torturing yourselves, enter into your rest, trust, delight and commit, to God, God has delivered you, awake, Apb, The RAM.

Listening To: Selah, Unredeemed,

-Hark a voice, "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an E.L.E. US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, (we can only assume the target here is corrupt parents, (Popes, Presidents, Politicians, pastors, preachers, projects and again parents, influencing their evil ways upon their offspring threatening for generations to come, alike abominations, children obey your parents, (overseers), "IN THE LORD)."

Listening To: Selah, Unredeemed,

Prophecy Links

     Don't forget I heard a voice, 01/04/2017, which cried, "six more weeks," and an additional cry, 01/08/2017, "the beginning of March", this timetable finale, beware, Apb,

Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders, 1993
America's Greatest Enemy

     -Being unrepentant of what to God are Noah's day, to Sodom and Gomorrah style abominations is America's, and the world following it's damned lead greatest enemy of all people. All with God's wrath right this moment hurrying this way by cataclysms.
     -Of such as described Rev. 6th, 18th, chapters, again come, one after another to fix and rid the earth forever of this threat. Further explaining Jesus' Millennium seen following Obama's, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

 A Voice, "yours is a nuclear fate," 2016, just as I saw, that when we ascended up to the Bridegroom Jesus, nuclear bombs rain down beware, Apb

This Mean Armageddon!

     -Didn't apostle tell you Russia and America couldn't be friends, that Trump's is a Truexit? Especially not while American soil has an Asian invasion pending, into just this limitless of other cataclysms, that is to finish 190 years of it. Just as Jesus explained to the early disciples, don't be deceived at the building of the Jerusalem Temple, such a day is come regarding America.
     -This include all soil that is Western Civilization, including Israel's wailing wall, that there shalt not be one stone left upon another. Remember from whence thou art fallen, God's Grace/Throne, and repent, get to Christ' Cross alone, your alter, your knees, your closet, see here, Rom. 10:9, 10, 12:1, 2, see also see  

Voice, "we will build an ark," whose builder and maker is God, Apb, see here,

   -This is only part of the madness that's coming, and only one way to avoid it. As I said before there is no wsy to frighten anyone into Christ, those who come to Him. They are those who're to believe Christ is Lord overall and will reward even with escape those who worship Him.
     -Can't you see, as Noah's house escaped the greatest deluge ever. Then now here presently the greatest of trials, tribulations and death tolls ever. Even one so massive US soil, it was as a funeral reef reaching far beyond the stars.
     -Meaning Jesus' Cross is also an escape, it's why it was possible for him to threaten all rebellious that they'll  to be cast into great tribulation as a punishment.  This is why just as Jesus is the good Shepherd, the blessed death, he is as well this chaotic planet ark of salvation/escape, blessed be the name of Jesus, beware, Apb, The RAM, see

Intense! Firefighters Escape Sinking Truck! Electrocutions, Heavy Rain, Flooded Streams & Creeks, Reservoirs & Mud Slides, Washed Out Roadways (Videos) click here

Stampedes, Elections, Grim Reapers

      -All the more these horrors as we press toward the fulfillment of the intrepid dream timetable this 2017. The prophet Joel once said repent, who knows whether God will have a change of heart, (wrath).
     -Even more frightening, It's not only as the days of Noah, but as the 10 plagues of Egypt. Right into the Lamentations of Jeremiah, surely why I say this?  Because the command of a brightness like the sunlight to the great whore of religion.
     -Let no church affiliation fool you except you worship God as of Christ's Cross, then the great whore of religion, Rev. 17:1 is as surely your mother as Satan' seat is your father, and ordered here lately, again by this sunlight of God to let His people go.
     -There's even the threat of Jesus, to cast into great tribulation all refusing to repent. Thinking their greatest enemy since the fallen of Lucifer, America, the free is their friend, all while repentant alters lament, what a friend we have in Jesus, get ye to Him, awake, Apb, The RAM, see here,